Salt Cured Turkey (Dry-Brined) - Day 3

So today is just is as easy as yesterday with just a little flip.

Remove your turkey from the refrigerator and once again give it a nice gentle massage, through the plastic bag.  (The turkey is getting much more massaging than I am, something is wrong here.)  Okay back on track.......You may notice that there is a little less liquid, this is good! Now......ready....flip the turkey over  in the pan, bag and all.  Your turkey should be "bottoms up" at this point.  Place the bird back in the refrigerator and go find someone to give you a massage.

That is all for today!  Simple right?

Part two of day 3 (for those that like a crispier skin)

If you like a crispier skin, late on day three remove the turkey from the bag and place it on a large plate or in a pan and place it back in the refrigerator over night to dry out the skin.  If you prefer not do this, no problem, just pat the skin dry with paper towels when you remove the bird from the bag on day 4.  I chose to set remove it from the bag on place it on a wrack in the roasting pan.


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